Mr. Rosenberg and the coffee cup

Insights into humanity

In this book the CNVC certified trainer Gundi Gaschler shares personal experiences that touched her heart while applying the consciousness of Non-Violent Communication by Marshall B. Rosenberg. She gained them in her trainings mostly in roleplays, also in her “real” life including her family. Her experiencing shows that humanity can be discovered behind any behaviour and how amazingly effective the tools of NVC can be to achieve real understanding.

Stories that make the world a bit more beautiful by just reading them.

Let your heart be touched.


Mr. Rosenberg and the coffee cup

12 €

Paperback - international availability
ISBN-13: 9783751973731
Verlag: Books on Demand

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19 €

Mr. Rosenberg and the coffee cup
Hardcover - only available in Germany


Herr Rosenberg und die Kaffeetasse
gebundene Ausgabe - g'scheites Buch

19 € inkl. Versand innerhalb Deutschlands

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